Friday, August 14, 2009

A Song to Remember.

The date was 24 May 2008. Hazim (my first son) was 6 years old. He did his pre-school at Tabika Kemas Sungai Sekamat. One day, his teacher selected him to sing in a Nasyid competition. There were about 10 students chosen for that competition. The morning of the competition, I almost didn’t make it on time to see him performed because I lost my way. Luckily when I finally arrived, he was just starting. I was so proud seeing him with his first complete purple ‘baju Melayu.’ He looked so happy to see me. Later, I learned from the teacher that before I came, he was the only student not accompanied by a parent. I felt so guilty. In the midst of his performance, I remembered thinking… ‘he is no more my baby. My baby has grown up.’ Somehow the song chosen by the teacher really touched my heart deeply. I always like the song anyway. To hear it sung by my son was such a blessing. To me the song is a very powerful song. It is a song created from the heart. It is a song that reminds me how fleeting my life is. That my days on earth are numbered. That life is just a journey, not a destination. The song that Hazim sang on that day was ‘Pergi Tak Kembali.’

Pergi Tak Kembali
Artist: Rabbani

Setiap insan pasti merasa
Saat perpisahan terakhir
Dunia yang fana akan ditinggalkan
Hanya amalan yang dibawa
Terdengar sayup surah dibaca
Sayunya alunan suara
Cemas di dada...lemah tak bermaya
Terbuka hijab di depan mata
Selamat tinggal pada semua
Berpisahlah kita selamanya
Kita tak sama nasib di sana
Baikkah atau sebaliknya
Amalan dan takwa jadi bekalan
Sejahtera bahagia sana
Sekujur badan berselimut putih
Rebah bersemadi sendiri
Mengharap kasih anak dan isteri
Apa mungkin pahala dikirim
Terbaring sempit seluas pusara
Soal-bicara terus bermula
Sesal dan insaf tak berguna lagi
Hancurlah jasad dimamah bumi
Berpisah sudah segalanya
Yang tinggal hanyalah kenangan
Diiring doa dan air mata
Yang pergi takkan kembali lagi

Rabbani lead singer dies

KUALA LUMPUR: Asri Ibrahim, leader and lead singer of popular nasyid group Rabbani, died of heart attack yesterday. He was 40. He had collapsed at a press conference for RTM's Syahadah programme at Angkasapuri. He was rushed to Pantai Medical Centre, where he was pronounced dead at 11am. Asri, also a renowned motivational speaker in schools and universities, is survived by wife Haliza Shahadan, 39, and six children.Asri was born on Aug 3, 1969 in Klang, Selangor. With his nasyid group Rabbani, he had been at the forefront in popularising the nasyid genre in the country by introducing a new sound that incorporated modern beats. Rabbani has released 17 albums and won numerous awards for its inspirational music and songs. Among its best-known albums are Pergi Tak Kembali (1999), Intifada (2000), Yalla Beena (2004).


‘Aku adalah pengejar syurga akhirat,bagiku dunia ini adalah tempat mempersiapkan segala sesuatu untuk meraih syurga akhirat;aku yakin bahawa syurga akhirat tidak akan pernah dapat aku raih kecuali aku boleh menikmati syurga dunia terlebih dahulu.Maka rumah dan keluargaku adalah syurga dunia paling indah buatku. Tempat kerja syurga dunia harianku. Tetangga, masyarakat,dan bangsa adalah syurga duniaku yang lebih luas.Ke manapun dan sampai bila-bila pun syurgaku selalu bersamaku..’ Asri Rabbani

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