Saturday, February 4, 2012

Leadership Requires Flexibility

Physically injured soldiers might still fight, but emotionally injured soldiers will lose the one reason to stay alive. I feel that such thing is true in organizations too. And to make sure that the employees will have the right emotions to accompany their skills, that is when the choice of a leader becomes extremely crucial. It is one thing to govern the system; it is another to govern the people. Which one is more important, one might ask. My answer is always both although I believe that the latter will prove to be more challenging to achieve and more damaging if not considered. A system is normally fixed once decided. But when it comes to people issue, it is often subjective and unpredictable. As I often said in class, emotions can kill. If we are not careful in managing our own emotion and the emotion of others, the consequences might be great. As such, I believe that a good leader will be those who are able to learn, re-learn and at times un-learn. Flexibility in this case is considered a must.

I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times -Everett Dirksen-

1 comment:

theng said...

i'm agree with that. It is undeniable that emotions will greatly influence our actions and what we are going to do in the next step. Like what i've experienced before, during my first driving test, i brought myself to the venue with a very bad mood and totally have no confident with the skill i've learned, hence though i've been practiced, but i failed also in the test. Until now i still regret why don't i control my emotion at that time. Therefore, is very important for us to manage our emotion well in doing everything.