Monday, April 22, 2013

Life is Full of Promises

Life is full of promises. When people look at me, they normally reflect to who I am now and what I have become. Unless they really know me and are really close to me, only then they will be able to understand the challenges and hardships I have experienced in life. I am never someone who is destined to achieve something easily. Compared to my friends or even my husband, my journey is more challenging; physically and emotionally. When my friends need only to read once in order to get good grades, I on the other hand had to read at least three times just to stand equal. When all the future scholars from UPM were approved to further their studies to overseas by JPA, my application was the only one that got rejected due to a misunderstanding on the department that I presented. The list goes on and on and on. I cried all the time for all the frustrations I had experienced, and for my failures. Still I am proud of who I am even if others don’t. I believe that it is my failures that make me a person I am today. I believe that it is my ability to stay resilient towards all obstacles that contributes to my personality. To all my children and my students, please do not be afraid to open your mind to every possibility in life. Cherish the happy moments and learn from your mistakes. All these are what make us human.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Dr for your advise and your passion.. I hope i can tough like u..