Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Love You Mom!

Nowadays I don’t get to write in my blog as much as I wanted to. Most of the time my heart yearns to write. But things keep coming onto my lap with invisible messages such as ‘Urgent,’ ‘Deadline – Yesterday,’ etc. Most of the time, I am caught between my responsibilities to my employer, my students, and my family. And I forgot about my responsibilities to myself.

Come to think of it, it’s quite hard to juggle both (work and life) especially when we live in a society that is prejudiced over the role of husbands and wives. A wife is expected to multi task. Even though a wife also contributes to the family’s income, that part more often than not is left out. All the society sees is whether the wife keeps the children neat, cleans the pots and pans, prepares the home cooked meals, etc. etc. etc. On the contrary, a husband is expected to be the breadwinner. Expected. Therefore, when you have one that stays at home and takes care of the children..boom! All sorts of negative perceptions pop out - queen controlled, submissive. And you know what hurts the most? It doesn’t matter whether staying at home is a choice of the husband or not. It doesn’t’ matter that the wife works or not. The fault still lies on the wife, for not allowing the husband the freedom he so deserve.

As for the wife? What then? She works, she contributes, she delivers children, she does the household chores (as much as she is able to since she’s working), she takes care of the children when they are sick, she even takes care of the husband when he is sick, and the list goes on and on and on. Infinity and beyond. Doesn’t she also deserve the freedom once in a while? Still, when she spends time with friends, they say she’s a bad mother, a terrible wife.

The funny thing is that, we often talk of moving forward. We talk about change. Seriously, what change is possible if our minds are still governed by traditional thinking? I think it’s about time that we open our mind. A little bit of justice is most welcome. A little bit of appreciation for the sacrifices that wives all over the world had endured all these years. A simple thank you should be enough. After all, it takes two to tango in a marriage. And it takes the whole society to march towards victory.

“We live in a cynical world. A cynical world. And we work in a business of tough competitors.” Jerry Maguire, 1996.


Zaidah M said...

Bunge! Is this out of your own experience? Ideally, we shouldn't care too much about what others think/say about us, but I admit, it's not easy. Our society is too caring! :)

I think you're a wonderful and incredibly strong woman.

Nana said...

ahhh here's to all the wives!!! Its soo true, bila halang sikit .. terus kena chop QC! Well, what to do? just don't let the society's traditional mentality bring you down. Ultimately Allah knows and you will be rewarded :D take care my dear!

Rumah baru camne?

dahliaz said...

Zeck..more of my own frustrations. You are the stronger one. are always so confident.

Rumah baru okay. It's waiting for you both to come visit. Miss both of you! Jom shopping? Hazelnut hot choc..emm...